To help everyone at Elevate Netball Academy have fun, feel safe and enjoy netball please adhere to the high standards of behaviour in our code of conduct.
Always play fairly to the rules and show respect to the coaches and other players.
Ensure I wear suitable kit for training and matches with my hair tied back, short nails and no jewellery.
Show great sportsmanship and team work by being thoughtful, friendly and kind to other players.
Listen to my coach and try my best at all times.
Encourage new members and respect that everyone is different.
Let someone in charge know if I leave the netball court.
Tell our safeguarding officer or an adult you trust about any behaviour or situations you feel worried about.
Encourage my child to play within the rules and respect coaches, players and spectators.
Follow the policies and procedures at Elevate Netball Academy.
Be a positive role model to my child by reinforcing high standards of sporting behaviour.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people and never engage in discriminatory abuse or anti-social behaviour.
Be a positive role model by being fair, considerate and kind towards players, coaches and parents.
Display high standards in language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation to ensure that all time spent with me by players and colleagues is a positive experience.
Seek to inspire and motivate in accordance with an individual’s abilities to enable them to play to the best of their ability and realise their potential.
Ensure that all sessions are safe and appropriate for the age, physical and emotional experience and ability of the players.
Ensure that I follow instructions and comply with all Health and Safety regulations that apply to my role.
Ensure I understand the safeguarding policy and ensure that any concerns are reported to the safeguarding officer.